Are crib bumpers safe?
This is such a common question, I get asked it all the time when consulting with clients about sleep changes and safe sleep environments. The crib bumper usage is confusing as they have been used for years previously. We are currently advised to NOT to use them, but they are still available for purchase and are often on show in stores, when looking to purchase your nursery set up. Let’s dive into this a little deeper -
Are crib bumpers safe?
Originally, they were made of cotton and stuffed to create a padding around the edge of the crib, which are usually wooden and slatted.
They have ties to secure them, so that they can not be pulled off, and land on top of a baby.
Due to an increase in common day awareness and anxiety around sleep and safety. A more common option is a mesh bumper.
HOWEVER, it barely gives any protection against the head of an infant, as it has zero padding which is what the original bumper was all about: designed to prevent bashing and banging as your little one works through their development milestones.
What we know now, is If a baby sleeps with their head up against the crib slat, they often can have a red mark on waking from pressure of the head being pressed against the wooden slat, but the risk of actual injury is low. It does look worse than it is, and as their bones are still developing, they are softer than ours.
The mesh one is only a good investment if you are not using a sleep sac, as it can stop your baby getting their limbs stuck, through the slats. But if you are trying to prevent your baby hurting themselves, then it would be money down the drain. The Consumer produce safety commission (CPSC) determined that there isn’t enough evidence officially to say if mesh bumpers are safe enough to use, but some parents will still choose to avoid them for feeling conflicted by all the information around risk.
If you still feel torn and don't want to use anything around the crib, as sleep sac is an alternative option to avoid limbs getting stuck (legs only), arms may still get stuck.
Let's start with the pros.
Protection from the crib slats in general - which are usually hard.
Protecting the head - babies will often bang their heads both accidentally and some children will bang their head as away to soothe, but when done so on the slats, they can get some minor bruising but this will not cause any long term damage.
Stopping arms and limbs getting stuck between slats - when babies do this, you have to go in and help them out, this is short lived, so it’s only a short term issue even though it can feel quite overwhelming in the moment.
If they have a sleep association, then this also means you have help them go back to sleep, which can result in you being up more than average.
Perceived feeling of coziness when rolling around (what it looks like to us)
The cons.
Increased risk of SIDS. If your little ones air ways are pressed up against the padding it can lead to suffocation.
Increased risk of getting tangled or potentially strangled if they fall ontop of the bumper restriction the airway.
Increased risk of having extra leverage to be able to launch out of the crib.
Are mesh bumpers safe?
My personal opinion and this goes against the grain greatly is that they are not THAT risky and I did use them with my children but for my clients, I go through the pros and cons and let them make their own decision. I think going out in the car is more risky, and this can be backed up in the statistics below, but we do this all the time.
From 1983 to 2012 (a span of 29 years), crib bumpers *may, have been involved / present in 77 infant deaths, according to a study in the journal Paediatrics.
The American Association of Peadiatrics, (AAP) recommends not using any crib bumpers, even the ones made of breathable mesh.
They suggest "The safest crib bedding for your infant is a fitted crib sheet only"
No bumpers, No blankets.
The statistics say that the most common cause of death in children under the age of 15 is unintentional injury. The most common cause of unintentional injury is a car accident.
Between 2010 and 2014 (ONLY 4 YEARS), 2,885 children died in a motor vehicle accidents, nationwide. An average of 11 children a week.
WOW, and I'm sure you don't question
1. Putting your child in the the car to get to swim class
2. Music class
3. To drive around so that they can sleep
If I do want to use a crib bumper, what should I consider?
They are not needed for a newborn. Most small babies are put into bassinets which have both mesh sides and sometimes covered sides.
Super small babies are also not really going to travel too far anyway.
Give it about 4 months and your little baby will be moving about and getting themselves in all sorts of trouble.
As soon as you are ready to move your baby into their own space, and they can move about and get pushed up against the slats, you can consider bumpers around their crib if you feel safe about it.
If the thought of using bumpers does scare you. An alternative option would be to have your child sleep in a pack n play, it has mesh sides which is in essence a built in mesh bumper, and no slats so if you are really struggling due to having a little mover and groover on your on your hands.
However, if you listen to the advice of the APP, it sounds like they would rule this out too.
If you listened to every bit of advice of what to do and not to do you would literally go around in circles. All around the world different countries do things differently, families have different values, cultures and principles. In Nordic countries, they leave their babies outside to sleep in the pram out on the sidewalk. If we did this in North America, it wouldn’t be long until someone called 911 and we would likely be interviewed by social services.
Everything you do is risky - including putting one foot in front of the other, walking down the stairs, but some risks outweigh others.
At the end of the day, you have to weigh up the pros and cons of using crib bumpers, and figure out how you feel about it. If you are unsure, they save your money and ride it out it is all short term anyway.
If you dont have any concerns, they use them but keep your eye on your little one through the monitor and if you notice that they are using them as leverage or getting tangled - then remove them ( I have never had a client to date have an issue with a crib bumper, but my client base is only a small representation of parents all over the world)
Have questions or concerns about your infants sleep space?
I am more than happy to help you become a more confident parent around your babies sleeping environment. When I consult with clients, we always look at the nursery set up during the call so that clients have that extra piece of mind.
Feel free to reach out to me by using the contact form below.